Tiger Bean
Rants & Roars

Tuesday, July 26, 2005  

The Reading Life

Lately I've been suffering from literary malnourishment--not just from a lack of time to fit reading into my life, but also from a lack of reading titles that leave me feeling fulfilled. While fictional fill-ups on Never Let Me Go and Devil in the White City have been more than worthwhile; they are balanced against A Complicated Kindness and The Piano Teacher, two recent reads that left me bored senseless.

Despite my recent disappointing setbacks on the literary highway, onward down the road I travel. And toward that end, I've registered for "Communication and the Novel", a five-day intensive course put on by the UofC's Communications Department that runs the first week of September. There's advance reading, of course. Lots of it as it turns out. Somehow I must find time to digest nine novels by September 6th--that's 42 days from now (yes, I am counting). The days of malnourishment, apparently, are over.

My reading list includes:
- The Trial, Franz Kafka
- The Stranger, Albert Camus
- 1984, George Orwell
- Being There, Gerry Kosinski
- Blindness, Jose Saramago
- Reading Lolita in Tehran, Azar Nifisi
- Sunday at the Pool in Kigali, Gil Courtmanche
- Crabwalk, Gunther Grass
- Atonement, Ian McEwan
- The Citizen's Voice, Michael Keren

The careful reader will note that there are actually 10 books on the list. Thankfully, I've already read Atonement, lowering my total to nine.

Can she read nine books in 42 days? Will her want for the written word be requited at last? Stay tuned for updates. To be gobbled up first: Reading Lolita in Tehran.

posted by Cherine | 2:58 PM